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how to calculate percentage || how to take out percentage || how to find percentage of marks

 HOW TO CALCULATE PERCENTAGE In today's time, calculating percentage has become very common. It is used almost in the world, such as mat...


In today's time, calculating percentage has become very common. It is used almost in the world, such as mathematical calculations, in banks, in GST etc.

But many people are not able to calculate the percentage, so in this article you will know how to calculate percentage and also the formula to calculate it.

And a few related things that will let you know how to calculate percentages.

What is percentage

Mathematically, percentages are either numbers or ratios that are expressed as fractions of 100. They are usually denoted as "%" or simply "percent." They may be further represented as simple fractions or as decimal fractions. An example of a percentage is 65% or 65 percent.

The term percentage was formed from two words, "per" and "cent." Cent is a word with Latin and French origin that means "hundred," and "percent" means "per hundred." For example, 90 percent (or 90%) means 90 out of 100 while 50 percent (or 50%) means 50 out of 100 or half of a whole.

Formula for calculate percentage

There are many calculators on the internet. but the most preferred way to calculate percentage is given below.

We can use the formula to calculate the percentage easily and quickly. The formula to calculate percentage is equal to the ratio of the actual value to the total value multiplied by 100.

The percentage formula is:

                                    Percentage, % = (Value / Total Value) × 100


It is possible to calculate the percentage in three simple steps. They are:

Step 1: Identify the original form of the number, i.e. fraction or decimal. The original format will define the following mathematical operation on the number. Suppose a decimal number is 0.50, which may be the calculated ratio of the values ​​we are comparing, while an example of a fraction is .

Step 2: Perform the mathematical operation on the number. That means, if the given number is a fraction, convert it to a decimal number. If the given number is a decimal number, then leave it as it is.

For example, 1/2 = 0.50

Step 3: Multiply the result obtained in the previous step by 100 and the resulting value should be expressed as a percentage. For example, 0.50 × 100 = 50% or 50 percent

Examples of percentages

Here are several examples of how to take out percentage:

1.Convert the decimal number 4.89 to a percentage.

Ans. To convert the decimal number, 4.89 to a percentage, multiply it by 100. Therefore, 4.89 x 100= 489% or 489 percent

2.Convert the decimal number 0.83 to a percentage.

Ans. To convert the decimal number, 0.83 to a percentage, multiply it by 100. Therefore, 0.83 X 100= 83% or 83 percent

3. Convert the fraction 5/9 to a percentage.

Ans. To convert the fraction, 5/9 to a percentage, first you need to convert it into decimal Formby dividing the numerator(5) b y denominator(9). You will get the value 0.55, multiply it by 100. Therefore, 0.55X 100= 55% or 55 percent.

4. Convert the fraction 30/50 to a percentage.

Ans. To convert the fraction, 30/50 to a percentage, first you need to convert it into decimal Formby dividing the numerator(30) by denominator(50). You will get the value 0.6, multiply it by 100. Therefore, 0.6X 100= 60% or 60 percent.


Most of the student have a question that how to calculate the percentage of the marks score in the examination,

So, the answer of the question is given here with an example.

The percentage of marks is calculate by two steps, which are given below.

Step1: divide obtained marks from the total marks.

Step2: multiply the value by 100.

It will more clear by an example.

1. Subham got 400 marks in an examination out of 500. Calculate percentage of marks scored by subham.

Ans. No. of marks obtained =400

        Total no. of marks = 500

        So, percentage of marks = (400/500)*100

        Now, percentage of marks = (0.8)*100

        Therefore, the percentage of marks obtained is,80%


Now, you will get to know about how to calculate the percentage of given value.

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